Get more opens, more clicks, more sales… starting *today*.
“Who Else is Tired of Working So Hard for Leads, Only to See Them Never Open Your Emails?”
I have something guaranteed to solve your frustration TODAY.
Hello, online marketing colleague.
Imagine the following. You must have heard that age-old cry: “The Money is in The List!” So, you have built, or are building, an email list and every day, new people join!
Now, generally you get your leads (signups to your email optin page) by paying for them, right (Cash outlays from paid advertising, or time investment, barter investment, etc)?
Maybe you get them by selling products online and buyers get added to the list. It sounds great! Until you notice…
They don’t open your emails after that initial “Welcome” message.
Zero opens. Heck… zero clicks!
This Pain is Unfair.
After all, you can work HARD to build your email list, right?
You pay YOUR hard-earned cash for leads with solo ads, Google ads, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, giving valuable gifts away for an email address and the like.
Most likely, you try to tempt affiliates by giving them huge commissions, sometimes 100%, so that they will send their followers over to you.
You do this because your believe that first sale is just the start of a lasting relationship, where customers will keep buying everything we offer until the end of time.
Hmmm. How’s that working out for you?
Look at your email provider’s dashboard, and tell me… do your un-opens far exceed your opens? By how much? Ouch, right?
If your experience is anything like 99% of your colleagues, you would love to hear of a better way to compel list members to anticipate and open every missive that you send.
Would you believe the answer is as simple as making your emails something fun to receive?
Just Transform Them into Something Readers Crave Seeing in their Inbox!
When readers enjoy the conversation, they’ll accept your selling (your products) or pre-selling (affiliate promotions) as long as you entertain and educate at the same time.
For example… Think about your favorite TV shows. Because you really enjoy them, you accept that sponsors will pop up, right? Ever ask yourself why? Most likely, it’s because the overall time spent is astonishingly satisfying.
And that’s why…
There’s Power in Making Your Message Fun!
Information (your message) mixed with entertainment. That’s called Infotainment.
I’m on a lot of email lists. I imagine you are also.
There are 3 marketers whose emails I filter to a special folder, I named it “Attention”.
I do that because I don’t want to miss their messages.
I open every one of those emails. I read them. And often, I buy from them.
The emails from the other fifty-twelve marketers just fall into the regular folder and I blitz through that folder deleting anything and everything that doesn’t call out to me that it’s important.
The marketers that made it to the Attention folder get my attention because they usually, almost always, have a story to tell.
It might be personal. It might be something odd or interesting that they’ve found online.
And they always (ALWAYS!) have something to sell.
But here’s the thing…
Often I know from the subject line what they’re offering, and often I’ve already purchased it from a prior email they sent, or I decided that I didn’t want it the last time I saw the offer. I still open the email to make sure I’m not making a false assumption, but also to read the powerfully engaging story.
Sometimes I even change my mind and purchase what they’re recommending.
It’s like when I read the daily newspaper (REAL paper), I always read the comics, because it gives me a smile to start my day. I get information from the national and local news sections, and I get entertainment from the comics. My wife gets entertainment from the daily crossword.
Without the entertainment I would probably just get the news from the Internet.
Of course, that is me.
So let’s now turn the conversation back to the most important person reading this – YOU!
Your experiences are probably close to mine, right? I’ll bet you have your Favorite Must Read authors and entrepreneurs from all the lists you are on… and you love making sure you always gain those new insights or humorous tidbits that are always shared.
But why should THEY have all the opens?
So let me now ask you…
Would You Like to Be an Infotainment Master (virtually DFY)?
As a busy entrepreneur, you probably don’t have time to waste. Trust me, I feel that pain too. Heck, I once bought a workshop on writing engaging emails, but digging up new stories for every email felt like way too much work!
So I set out to find another, easier, faster solution. Along came, as you might guess, A.I.
A.I. has an uncanny ability, when prompted right, to sort through the vast corners of the web to find anything you want.
The key words above are “prompted right”.
You can’t just ask ChatGPT to find you a cool story about Halloween or the Loch Ness Monster or a UFO sighting… well, you can, but what you get back might not be so great, or not be right for your needs.
But! WE could do that for you, handing you 100s of interesting stories on a virtual silver platter.
Announcing the Infotainment Collection, Volume 1, with PLR
Each infotainment collection contains 10 topics. Each topic gives you 50 blog posts, and a report with around 40 chapters.
It’s actually in the format of our Products in the Rough products, but instead of having to pay $10 for each topic, you get a bulk discount for these Awesome Emails Made Easy!
The blog posts and the report chapters do have some overlap, but not totally, so you can expect that out of each topic you will end up with maybe 60 to 80 stories for your emails, or some other use.
You’ll have more than 600, maybe 800 strange but true facts, enough for a daily email for 2 years or more!
Approximately 360,000 words of just plain FUN entertainment.
There are 10 topics in volume 1, specifically:
- Strange but true encounters with UFOs
- Strange but true facts about foods we eat
- Strange but true ghost stories
- Strange but true stories about Halloween
- Strange but true stories about sea monsters
- Strange but true stories involving kittens
- Strange but true stories involving puppies
- Strange but true stories about everyday heroes
- Strange but true stories that involve real miracles
- Strange but true war stories
But that’s not all!
For each of the 40 chapters in the report, we provide you with the DAB Proprietary Prompts that transforms each chapter into:
💎 2 entire emails that contain 5 “chatty, vividly written paragraphs” that focus upon the story in the chapter. There are also prompts to choose a different story as some stories appear a multitude of times (for different reasons).
💎 7 possible subject lines
💎 [ CLOSING ] – your specific type of closing
💎 [ Include Your PS Here, perhaps a call to action? ]
But that’s not all Either! Check out your
- You get the files in .docx format, and can modify the files as you see fit.
- You can use what’s in the files for email content, as a report that you can sell (modification is suggested since these start out as “products in the rough”). We do include instruction on how to polish the content to be “less rough”, actually “gems”. Products sold must be in PDF format, not source document format.
- You can mix and match blog posts and chapters and create products for sale, or a blog, or any other content you desire.
- You can use your created report(s) as products for sale, as bonuses to entice buyers of your offer(s), or as lead magnets to entice people to sign up for your email list. These must be delivered in PDF format, not as a source document.
- You CANNOT resell the files or excerpts of the files themselves in the .docx format or an alternative source file format (such as .odt or .txt, etc.).
What Else Can You Use These For?
Sure, these “strange but true” facts and stories can make your emails eagerly anticipated.
They can get you more opens, more reads, more sales, and build a better relationship with the people on your list.
But they can also be so much more, for example…
- They can be used, probably after some light editing or polishing in the way we show you, as a Kindle book.
- They can make you more interesting when you tell the stories at your next holiday gathering… “Hey, did you know this about X?”.
- They can be bedtime stories for your kids, at least some of the less spooky ones. 🙂
- They can be chapters in books about totally different, but related topics.
- They can just be fun to read.
- and much more, only limited by your imagination.
So start engaging your readers more today! Grab Volume 1, and I’ll be encouraged to work on volume 2 and 3 and 4.
Have a spectacular day.
Dennis Becker and Barb Ling
P.S. Have a topic you don’t see here? Let us know and we’ll see what we can put together for you.
Any questions or for support, contact us at