Amazon “Buyers Traffic” Profit Breakthrough

Launching Tuesday, January 28th, 9am EST

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Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here and this is HUGE news regarding eCom and paid traffic!  Unveiled only recently, a Very Very Large eCom site is going to offer THEIR traffic tools to *everyone else*… even those whose stores are NOT located on that main eCom site.

This means folks who use this service is virtually *guaranteed* the traffic they receive are “High-intent” Buyers Traffic; none of this “I’m just a tire kicker wheeee!” type folk.

This service is in Beta right now.  But those who prepare themselves NOW, Today, will have the edge over all of their competitors when it goes live!

We’re still fine-tuning the goodies we will be offering but in the meanwhile, grab YOUR link to our

Amazon “Buyers Traffic” Profit Breakthrough


FE: ABTPB: Amazon “Buyers Traffic” Profit Breakthrough

Clocking in at LESS than 15 pages in total, this delivers the critical information to readers FAST.  The new service from a Very Popular eCom Platform that knows how to deliver ONLY buyer-ready, “credit card in hand” traffic to the service subscriber.

This report takes the reader gently by the hand and reveals:

💎 What are the benefits?

💎 How can it make the reader money when the service is officially available?

💎 What buyer resources are already available?

💎 and more!

Fast.  Powerful.  *Effective.*  Your list will thank you!

$12.95,  60% Commission 

Inline Bump:

2.) ABTPB : Making Money with Amazon Cheatsheet (Giveaway Rights Included)

This quick goodie delivers concise, practical “must-know” resources to deliver the essentials of paid advertising to the reader.

Dimesale $5.13,  50% Commission, PLR $14.18

3.) ABTPB: Ad Stacking Magic

Want to sell  without requiring a traditional sales page?  Not only that, but use a format that potential buyers are *already* comfortable with?

Personal option available

$11.17   50% Commission

4.) ABTPB: 5 Amazon/MMO Reports

5 excellent reports that include Profiting Year ‘Round with Amazon Prime, Seasonal Affiliate Marketing, more!

Personal option available

$47/$37   50% Commission

5.) ABTPB: eCom/Advertising Authority Dashboards

Barb Ling’s personal Feedly authority dashboards for eCom and Advertising alerts.  This allows your buyer to always be the first with sharing breaking news in these 2 industries, thus helping build Authority.

Personal option available

$19.19   50% Commission


But first:

Please Sign Up To Our Affiliate List
(Thank You!)


SUBJECT: Pure eCom Visitor Influx will be yours?
SUBJECT: This eCom visitor update can boost 200 percent your bottom line
SUBJECT: Increased eCom-Specific Revenue Platform is coming…
SUBJECT: Beginner Friendly eCom Visitors will be possible when…
SUBJECT: BREAKING NEWS: Amazon will promote your products on their site?


Hey there,

Do you have eCom products that you’ve created on your websites?  If so, how well are they flying from the shelves?

See, the thing about growing your bottom line? Big juggernaut sites like Amazon or eBay or Etsy or places like that… well, it seems like an impossible dream.

Until this release.

See, our colleagues, Barb Ling and Dennis Becker, have just released:

Amazon Buyer’sTraffic: Revenue Breakthrough

And let me tell you, this will level the playing field like you simply would not believe.

See it below!


Real eCom visitors – not tire-kickers, but people ready to acquire your goodie

Your ad showing up on Amazon – right when a person would want to obtain your product!

and more!

This is cutting-edge, freshly released stuff… you truly do want to discover this cool breakthrough that set to disrupt product visibility as we currently know it.

==> It’s waiting below!


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