Here’s your chance to get the full, unabridged, lessons and all the bonuses that go with them, for a great price…

“Unlock Your Path to Online Income with IM Ignition—52 Fast-Track Guides to Success.”

Build on these simple concepts, and before you know it, the income generated will change your life!

Let Me Tell You More… Here… Today… NOW!

From: Dennis Becker and Barb Ling

Re: Becoming a Successful Internet Marketer

Dear Future Marketer,

I remember one day not too long ago… My wife and I were putting together a “some assembly required” item and as we looked at all of the different nuts and bolts, as we looked at the 10 pages of instructions, as we looked at this mess in front of us, I asked a very important question…

“What’s next?”

That may not sound like much to you at first glance, but that’s one of THE most profound and important questions anyone performing any kind of task can ever ask.

The same thing can be applied to setting up something even more complicated… an online income stream or even a full business.

You don’t just wake up and all the pieces are in place meshing together perfectly. You have to assemble them, one after the other, starting with something simple and basic, and then… on to the next.

That’s why I created a course to ignite your IM career, regardless of your current situation.

We call it IM Ignition

Imagine having control over your income and schedule—no commute, no boss. With IM Ignition, you’ll get step-by-step lessons each week on turning internet marketing into your side hustle, or even your full-time career.

We’re Dennis Becker and Barb Ling, each with over 20 years of experience, and we know the road to success online. And we’ve seen that you don’t need massive budgets, advanced skills, or tons of time to make it work—just a commitment to learn and a desire to start.

There are billions of people online every day, just a click away—people who need help solving problems, big and small. And that’s where you come in.

You know what I’m talking about, right?

Some come just for fun, for example to watch cute cat videos on YouTube. Some come for social interaction with family, friends, and associates from all over the world!

And the most important reason for YOU regarding why people come online….

*Thousands desperately crowd onto the Internet* because that’s the place to discover crucial solutions to some of their hair-pulling problems!

I mean, think about it! Have YOU ever been faced with a problem that seems so easy on the surface, but you ended up paying big bucks for professionals to solve it after you hit 36 brick walls?

It’s maddening!!

But there IS a silver lining (heck, it could be 24 karat gold!) in those dull aggravating clouds.

Lean in, closer…..

And listen really really carefully to the following….

Whether you see yourself as the person who PROVIDES those solutions…

or if you possess that knack of FINDING those solutions…

We’re talking you can create the following equation:

Providing OR Finding Solutions ==> Big Income!

An online marketer, a.k.a. an “Internet marketer” is someone who quite simply markets online (on the Internet).

Quite often, those marketers are individuals just like you, but with one difference:

  • They decided they were tired of a traditional job.
  • Due to local econonics, they couldn’t find steady employment.
  • They didn’t want to work for someone else.

And like I mentioned…

These people are no different from you and me.

Like you, they’re smart!

They would rather call their own shots as far as:

  • The hours they work
  • Where they work
  • How much they’re reimbursed for that work

Plus… don’t forget stay-at-home parents!

They want to *be there* for their kids:

  • Watch them take their first steps, say their first words
  • Attending their school shows
  • Taking off from work if their kids get the flu
  • Coaching the sports teams or just attending the games

You know how tiring a full day commuting to/from any sort of 9 to 5 day job can be…

How parents arrive home from work, exhausted, and often don’t even *have* the energy necessary to help out with their kids and be “like other mommies and daddies who are always there?”

Or there might be any number of other reasons why traditional employment just isn’t right for them… or more importantly… for you.

And that’s what this is all about, right?

Finding and creating a way FOR YOU to earn ideally 6 or 7 figures annually online!

Just think about it!

  • Controlling your own destiny…
  • Getting paid what you are *truly* worth…
  • Possessing the freedom to work anywhere in the world….

… WITHOUT having to be accountable to others!

To a beginning IMer, that might seem scary.

And honestly, we DO understand! It was scary as heck to both of us when we started out (but that’s the key, see? Anything new can be scary but after you’ve faced that fear, you find yourself taming that nervous feeling and earning the money you and your loved ones deserve).

After all, if you’ve always been used to:

  • Showing up to the job site at a certain time…
  • Being told what to do for X hours a day…
  • Then having to trudge home at the end of each day, sometimes having to commute for hours each day…

All of a sudden, being faced with running your OWN business CAN be overwhelming (hence the “scary” I mentioned earlier).

And while the thought of being able to ditch the 40 hour work week, and the 2 hour a day commute, might seem ideal…

The facts are that many work-at-home types find they are working even MORE hours on their own business than they worked on someone else’s business, for less income (at least in the beginning).

(Once you know what you’re doing, of course, the amount of time you spend on your business can greatly decrease indeed!)

That’s why we’ve put together IM Ignition for YOU… because You Deserve Results FASTER.

We (Dennis Becker and Barb Ling) have been successful IMers for well over 20 years each.

In Dennis’ case, it wasn’t all smooth sailing in the beginning, but he was able to overcome obstacles, learn from them, and thrive.

And in Barb’s case, her physical health is such that she doesn’t have good and bad days, she has good and bad hours instead.

But neither of that stopped us!

*Each of us* has published several dozen books, eBooks, training courses, and more to assist others in reaching their dreams.

Over those years we have also connected with others and have licensed content and courses from the best in the business, and IM Ignition is a powerful, complete, beginner-friendly compilation of profit training in virtually all the skills that an entrepreneur must master.

Some of the topics we cover in this 52-lesson course are:

  • Income generation methods (exactly how can you earn income from and with your computer)
  • Success and goals
  • What are the basic skills necessary… and where do I learn them?
  • The 1-2-3 of list building (absolutely essential for any IMer)
  • Creating your first infoproduct (no shipping, no handling costs… 100% pure profit)
  • Becoming an affiliate marketer (earning good income from other people’s products and services)
  • Essential time management and productivity (get more done in less time)
  • The main sales platforms you will need to be familiar with
  • The power of sales funnels (“do you want fries with that” method of increasing income per customer)
  • Using an autoresponder and creating followup messages (learn how to communicate with those who want to hear from you (and they will!))
  • The basics of getting quality traffic to find you (“if you build it, they will come’ is a fairytale, alas)
  • Mindset (oh, how important this one is, especially when you are working alone and calling your own shots)
  • Branding and positioning (why people will want to seek you out and purchase from you and you alone)
  • How to create profitable recurring and passive income streams (sell once, earn over and over)
  • Quitting your job within 90 days (or less, and only if you want to, if you haven’t already)
  • Recycling and repurposing the same content in different ways (create once, earn over and over)
  • How to profit from any market in only 7 steps
  • Income from coaching others (not difficult, not scary, and this might come sooner than you think!)
  • Becoming an expert in your field (even fields you know nothing about today), from scratch
  • The power of laser-sharp focus (absolutely essential for all entrepreneurs)
  • Setting up an affiliate and joint venture partner page (others will sing your praises and bring you traffic and sales)
  • Profiting from private label rights material (no sense in reinventing the wheel, you know?)
  • The basics of copywriting (get your message out there, and readers do what you want)
  • Outsourcing (when it’s time, you’ll know it, and this alone will save your sanity and your quality of life)
  • Community marketing (mingling online, even if you’re an introvert like us)
  • Challenging yourself (go above and beyond where you’ve ever been before)
  • Search engine optimization (boring to some, maybe, but this can send buyer’s traffic to you for free)
  • And more… in fact this course is not complete, and modules might be added, changed, or rearranged based on your feedback once you get in and look around.


IM Ignition lessons are delivered to you like clockwork every 7 days.

Lessons are typically somewhere between 7 and 30 pages each, in easily downloadable and consumed PDF format, although in some cases we might link out to an audio or video where it’s an extra added attraction.

Most lessons have the additional benefit of action steps for you to complete. Not difficult, but a way for you to be confident you’re keeping up with the agenda.

And you know what that means, right?

These easily consumed and digested chunks of information will get you up to speed quickly.

You can start using your new skills soon, and build on them as you learn the later topics.

If you’re just beginning your career as an online marketer, or have been struggling for some time, IM Ignition could be your go-to resource for success

Why am I so confident?


When I started, I followed others, several others, too many others, and every time I got started down a certain path, I came to a fork in the road that they didn’t prepare me for. 🙁

So then I would follow someone else.

And get hopelessly lost.

This went on for my first three years… yes, YEARS!

I’m so glad I didn’t give up, and I’m so glad I’m able to guide you on your journey to entrepreneurial success.

Think about it for just a moment –

  • You don’t need to know steps you’ll be taking weeks or even months from now!
  • You don’t need hundreds of pages of information that you can’t use (yet)!
  • You don’t need to work on multiple things that aren’t relevant at this moment!

All of those things may very well be important in the long term, but they just get in the way of right now. You need one simple step at a time.

All you need to know is…

“What’s next?”

Let me transfer that same line of thinking to becoming a successful IMer.

Do you *really* need a treasure chest full of scripts, reports, tools, eBooks, and so forth?

Do you *really* need a high-priced physical product that supposedly has all the bells and whistles?

Use that noggin’ of yours for just a moment —

Does it really need to be that complicated?!

We say….. NO!

Wouldn’t it be much easier for you to actually get things done if someone simply told you, “here’s the next step you need to take“?

Of course it would!

Make no mistake about it … you need a COMPLETE set of instructions.

But you do NOT need to be overwhelmed with “information overloadon your first day.

Every lesson inside the IM Ignition course gives you just one clear step to build your online business. No fluff, no filler—just action steps that get you results.

That’s what I’m going to show you, beginning today.

Let Me Send You A Proven Effective Way To Become a Professional IMer, Capable of Building Up To A Full-time Income Online.

I’m taking the guesswork out of it for you!

IM Ignition breaks down all the essentials—list building, creating info products, getting traffic, and more. Each lesson is a clear, manageable 7-30 pages, designed to give you something to work on every week. You’ll be able to fit it into any busy schedule, with each lesson helping you build up your knowledge, confidence, and income, one step at a time.

Most people I know have existing jobs. And families. And interests. What you don’t need is some crazy schedule that’s going to overtax your time and rob you of the other “stuff” in your life.

That’s why I’m purposely going to send you weekly action steps to help you start and then continue to build a business. You’ll be learning from IM Ignition, approximately 1 to 3 hours per week, and then you’ll take what you’re learned and put it into motion, so that you can also, in addition to building a successful business:

  • Hang out with your family and friends!
  • Go hunting, fishing, golfing or shopping!
  • Serve in your church or community!
  • Learn other business-building stuff!
  • Enjoy yourself doing whatever you like to do!

The important thing is this: this particular money-making venture isn’t going to require much of your time each week. Complete your assignment and move on.

So, let me ask you a simple question…

What’s next?

Join IM Ignition today, and get…

Step-by-step training for a full year!

This is the main curriculum for the training program and consists of a weekly lesson in downloadable .pdf format, sometimes linking to bonus videos, audios, or other books.

Each lesson…

  • Is short and easy to digest. Most lessons are only 7-30 pages in length (large font, actually, so easy to read) and contains nothing but “meat”.There is a very real problem with “information overload” where the reader simply has too much information to absorb. Each lesson is purposefully brief (but thorough!) so you can quickly read it and put it into practice.While some lessons are longer, these are usually “multiple ideas” type lessons … in other words, “here are 27 ways to XYZ — pick one that you like best and get started”.
  • Includes An Action Step To Complete. Every weekly lesson has SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO – it’s actionable!Instead of giving you the usual “this is what I’ve done” stuff, I’m giving you “this is what you need to do” stuff!Each week you’ll have some easy-to-implement action step to complete before moving on.
  • Forces You To Succeed Long-Term. While most ebooks and traditional membership sites (and even some high-priced coaching programs) pile on a bunch of information and leave you to put it all together for yourself, that isn’t how things are setup in this training program.By giving you information in bite-sized portions for a full year (52 weeks!) you’ll be more likely to actually do something with the content … and you’ll be more likely to see real results for yourself.
  • Helps You Make Real Progress. When you look back after each month, you’ll actually be able to see progress by putting these lessons into practice.As you complete one weekly assignment and move on to the next week after week, you’ll actually be able to see things growing step-by-step because you’ll be following a systematic, weekly plan of action. (More on this in a moment.)
  • Helps You Start Earning Early. Yes, the course continues for 52 weeks, but you won’t be waiting that long to start to see results.You could be earning solid income the first month, maybe even sooner, but everyone is different, of course.
  • Occasional bonus supplementary material. Some lessons include bonus books that expand on the lesson and make the skill learned much more meaningful.
  • Newly added, a Deep Dive overview audio for each lesson! Currently a work in progress, so you temporarily get a price break. The Deep Dive features 2 reviewers who have analyzed each lesson and pulled out the key points.
  • Also newly added, audio narration of each lesson. Listen while you work out or do mundane tasks, IM Ignition is portable and available to you! As with the Deep Dive overviews, the narrations are a work in progress, and should be finished soon, but the price of the course has been discounted because of the short delay.

In a nutshell –

One 7-30 or so Page Weekly Lesson For 52 Weeks In Downloadable .PDF Format!

One Deep Dive overview for each lesson, as well as a full audio narration of each lesson

Every lesson is strategically created in such a way that you’ll see results with the program…

Each weekly lesson is designed to be “to the point” and immediately actionable.

The first lesson is coming your way immediately upon completing your order.


If You’re Looking For Zillion Dollar Claims That Promise Quick Riches … Sorry!

There’s no question what I’m about to tell you is going to cost me money. But, so be it. I’d rather be honest and keep my integrity intact than to make a few more bucks.

Here’s the thing: I’m not gonna promise you riches. I’m not going to make the kinds of claims that you see on other websites where persuasive and carefully crafted words make it sound like you’re gonna make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

I want to warn you about these “claims”…

Warning #1: Things aren’t always what they seem. Just because someone has a nice picture of a check and some statistics doesn’t mean they are real. There have been MANY cases of fraudulent claims where people have created fake “proof” for their websites. Not everyone does this, of course, but there are those who do.

Warning #2: Results definitely aren’t typical. Let’s assume for a moment that someone’s “proof” is legit … trust me when I tell you that these results are NOT typical. The average person comes nowhere near the big-time results portrayed on the salespages. You cannot reasonably expect to duplicate their sales results.

Warning #3: The truth up front is always better. I’d rather tell you up front that there is no guarantee that you’ll make X dollars than for you to have yet another disappointment coming because I filled you up with false hope and empty promises. There’s this thing called integrity. And I’m not afraid to risk getting you as a customer to keep my integrity.

Now, having said all of that, you’ll notice that I haven’t put any screen shots of my earnings here, or of a fancy boat or house or car. They’re meaningless to you right now. Maybe you’ll have them in your future, if you want them, maybe you won’t. So …

How much money can you expect to make?

The truth is, I can’t answer that question. You could make hundreds monthly, thousands monthly or even tens of thousands monthly or more. Or, you could make absolutely nothing.

I don’t know you. I don’t know if you’ll follow instructions. I don’t know if you’ll complete the weekly assignments. I don’t know how motivated you are. I don’t know you at all. How can I reasonably say with any certainty that you’ll make a certain amount of money?

I can’t. And, if others were honest, they can’t either.

What I can promise you is this: If you follow my instructions inside IM Ignition you WILL make a profit from your 1-3 hours of time invested each week. How MUCH profit depends upon you.

Fair enough?

The program isn’t for those who are desperate. It’s for those who want to take time and build a business right. It’s for those who want to start a business that grows bigger and bigger over the next 12 months.

If you’re looking for a “get rich quick” scheme, this isn’t it. This is a legitimate business that makes a little profit early on and sees that profit multiply and grow over the first year and beyond.

Doesn’t sound as “sexy” as some of the other claims being made out there, I know. But, in the end, it won’t leave you disappointed that you wasted more time and money, simply because it DOES work.

But all that being said, you certainly don’t need to wait 52 weeks to start earning money as an IMer. You might already know the basic basics right now and can get started, and if you’re starting totally at ground zero, you should be ready to do some serious testing and learning after 6 to 8 lessons.

So, let’s get started together…

No More Paying Thousands Of Dollars … Even If It Is In “4 Easy Payments“!

I could easily do what some of my contemporaries have done and make this some kind of high-ticket coaching program that sells for $1,997.00.

And, in doing so, I’d make a lot of money. But, many good people wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the offer simply because it wouldn’t be in their budget.

Listen, I know. I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what it’s like to be deep in credit card debt. I know what it’s like to sink more and more money into empty promises. I know what it’s like to be suckered into buying a high-priced item on an “easy” installment plan. I’ve been there and I know. Trust me, I know.

It is for that reason that I am not going to charge the thousands of dollars that I could charge for this program. Instead, I’m going to make it a no-brainer, and I’m going to make it downright affordable for every budget.

I would rather change the lives of several hundred or thousand people than just those who can pay thousands of dollars up front.

The price for this course is shown toward the bottom of this page, but stay with me here for a moment. When you see the price (if you haven’t peeked already), you’re going to say…

“Wow, that’s a bargain … seriously … what’s the catch?”

Sorry, there’s no catch. You get what I described, beginning the second your payment comes through, and you start your journey to becoming a professional and successful Internet marketer. 7 days from now, you’ll receive lesson #2, and a week letter the next one… for a full year! Of course, if at any point you think you’ve learned enough and are successful enough from the earlier lessons, and don’t feel you need to continue, you can stop your monthly payments.

And beyond that, what if you don’t know me? What if you’re skeptical if I can deliver? Well, just this…

Your Money Will Be Returned If You’re Unhappy

Listen, here’s the thing: I stand behind my materials completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with the content and, more importantly, the results.

However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime for the next 30 days by simply emailing me if you are dissatisfied for any reason. No red tape, no questions asked, no whining on my end, just send me an email (to the address that the lessons come from), and I’ll process your refund and stop sending out the lessons to you.

Next Step? Just Sign Up and Start Today!

The first lesson arrives instantly. With just a few hours a week, you’ll make real progress. The process isn’t overwhelming, but the results can be life-changing.

Join Now While This Course Is Still Available…

Yes! I want my weekly lessons teaching me how to setup and promote my affiliate link to any program I choose! I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.

Best deal, just one payment (Temporary discount, use Coupon Code IMIG30 at checkout and click on Apply)

With this option you get all the lessons at once. No need to wait. Proceed at your own pace. And get all the bonuses at once also. 7-day refund guarantee if not satisfied.

Or pay as you learn (Temporary discount, use Coupon Code IMIG30 at checkout and click on Apply)

You will be charged a monthly fee of just $27, for a total of 12 months, with the first monthly payment happening today. 7 day refund guarantee if not satisfied.


(Even if it’s 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

You will receive a link to download the first lesson instantly after making payment, they’re all in PDF format, you can print them off if you like, and start taking action immediately!

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.

See you on the inside.

Best regards,

Dennis Becker and Barb Ling

P.S. We’re excited to guide you through every step. And hey, if at any point you’re not seeing the value, reach out. We’re here to support your success. Join us, and let’s make this the start of your new path online.

For questions support, contact us at